Long time, no blog.

It started with craft day at my friend Stacy's house.

I didn't realize how much I had been missing a creative outlet. In high school and college, I was always MAKING something, whether it be music or magazines or writing stories.

Now I work in insurance. There are rules. Things are very black and white. My brain works that way, too, so I didn't feel the effects of my creative dry spell at first. But then I spent an evening with some lovely ladies (and an even lovelier [almost] three year old) and I had SO MUCH FUN. I made Thanksgiving cards for my friends and family from scratch. I glittered pumpkins (sorry about the "craft herpes' all over your house, Tom). I had fun.

When I got home, I felt good. I was doing something outside of work other than sitting at home. I was creating something.

Since then, I've been crafting at home a lot... crocheting a blanket while I watch TV, Mod Podgeing literally everything, and thinking about writing more. I decided I'm going to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November. I just want to finish the novel, to write every day, to work the other, neglected part of my brain.

I started a book club with a Twitter friend that I've been talking to for over a year, who lives 15 minutes away, and who I have never met yet.

It started with craft day. And it brought me back to life.

Glitter pumpkins I made. 


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