Whistler, NaNoWriMo and More!

I love vacation. Marc and I picked Whistler for a few reasons. It's within driving distance, we hadn't been here before, and we knew that we would be able to have a nice, relaxing vacation. Most of our trips are go go go. We hardly ever have trips where the main purpose is to rest and recharge, which is exactly what I wanted from this trip.

After a great night's sleep in my cozy hotel bed, I woke up to this view:

Not bad, eh?

I spent the morning lounging in bed, finishing The Fault in Our Stars. From the moment I started reading, I had an idea of how it was going to end and I wasn't wrong. If you would like to spend some quality time with tears running down your face, I highly suggest this book. It was depressing and beautiful all at the same time. It was so good.

We spent the afternoon walking around the village after having a delicious lunch at Dups Burritos, just a minute walk from the lobby of our hotel. It had a cheese quesadilla with peppers and it was SO GOOD. We walked around the village, which is pretty empty this time of year, because there really isn't snow for skiing. We are here with the other off-seasoners, who are likely here for the same reasons as us: crisp fall mountain air, views and to relax.

We decided to stay in the village instead of at one of the resorts outside of town and I'm so glad. We walk out of our hotel into the village and there are shops and restaurants immediately outside of the lobby. Even so, our room is so quiet. You'd never know we are in the middle of town.

While wandering, we found the Olympic Rings, so of course I had to pose with them. Pretty neat to be in a place that I watched on TV just a few winters ago.

We continued our wandering, and found a little creek and signs that warned about the bears that can be found all around Whistler. As much as I would LOVE to see a bear, I don't want to push my anniversary luck and end up getting mauled. I would like to see a bear from far enough away to not be in any danger, but close enough to take a picture. 

After we had walked most of the village, we grabbed a peppermint mocha to take back to the room and new Starbucks cups to add to my ever-growing collection at home. Then we came back to the room to watch movies and I have been working on crocheting my blanket that I started a while back but haven't really made much progress on in the past couple weeks. 

We plan to go down to the tapas restaurant for dinner tonight. We have some board games that we brought with us and then I have my nightly NaNoWriMo word count to meet. 

NaNo is going well so far. I'm kind of developing my story as I go, and adding in background information in to the two and a half chapters I have so far is easier than I thought. Our hotel comes with a little sock monkey on the bed that you can "adopt" for $15.00.

I've grown kind of attached to the one in our room, so I've decided to keep him when we leave. He's kind of ugly and adorable. I've named him NaNo in honor of my very first NaNoWriMo and he's going to be my writing buddy. If you would like to get your OWN ugly buddy, you can find them: here

Say hello to NaNo. (Look at that sad, pathetic little face. Don't worry buddy! I'll take care of you.) 

A pretty good day for a Monday.

Hope you all are having a good start to your week (and that all of you NaNoers are still going strong!).


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