That's all I can really manage tonight, but I had to make a blog post for NaBloPoMo! Excuse me while I crawl into bed to die. Hopefully I'll be more entertaining tomorrow!
I worked 55 and a half hours this week. I'm so tired. Regardless of THAT, though, I knew that I wanted to come home and start NaNoWriMo (for those of you unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month... you write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November... about 1,667 words a day!). I'm crazy. I'm also doing NaBloPoMo... I think that's what it's called. National Blog Posting Month? Anyways, so that's a little more simple. All I have to do is at least post a blog post a day. I REALLY miss writing my blog, and I think NaBloPoMo would be a good way to get back into the habit. What's that thing I keep seeing on Pinterest? It only takes 21 days to make a habit? We'll see. RIGHT, back to the cheating. My story idea for the novel I'm writing came to me back in November 2011. Marc and I were getting ready to celebrate our first anniversary. I was listening to a lot of Death Cab for Cutie at that time (and all...
At the end of 2011, I made a resolution that nearly everybody makes: I wanted to get healthy, get in shape, and most importantly, feel more comfortable in my body. More than 60 pounds later, I consider my New Year's resolution from last year to be a smashing success. I feel fantastic and have plans to continue getting healthier and happier. Since I was able to stick to my resolution last year, I am overflowing with ideas (and confidence) to continue to improve my life overall in 2013. One of the things that I really want to work on is making time to do things that I enjoy. I've fallen into a pattern lately of getting up, rushing off to work, working hard and long and then coming home, mentally drained to watch TV and play on my phone until I fall asleep after a few short hours and then repeating the process. I hate it. So, I've made a list of things that I want to do (and not do) in 2013. One of the big ones is to spend more time reading. I love to read. It re...
I have been so excited to blog about my trip to Europe, but it seemed like such a daunting task. We were on vacation for 24 days total, and I'm sure you can imagine the amount of pictures that we took! Our trip started after work on October 19th. We got off early and a friend drove us down to the airport. (side note: I love airports! I will sometimes plan trips with layovers when it would be just a little more expensive to fly direct so that I can see more airports. That much.) We took off from Seattle around 4:30 p.m. and showed up in Reykjavik, Iceland very early the next morning. Pillow that they gave us on the airplane. We flew IcelandAir to Europe. They were great! The sun coming up over Iceland right before we landed. I was very excited to get to Reykjavik because it was the very first country outside of the United States that I have ever been to! My dad was in the Coast Guard while I was growing up, so I have been very lucky to see almost all of MY...
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