Operation Blair Waldorf's Closet

It doesn't roll off the tongue very easily, sure, but it's accurate.

You see, a few weeks ago, I was looking for something in my keepsake trunk (which didn't end up being in there, btw) and I left the trunk cracked. Yesterday, I was in my closet and decided to start looking through the trunk. I got all weepy and nostalgic finding letters that my dad wrote to me and my siblings while he was away from the family in the military, reading my old diaries, finding my (very Harry Potter-esque) first pair of glasses. It was so fun. I ended up pulling a bunch of stuff out and leaving it all over the bed (as I do).

While in the middle of this, I decided that it was time to reorganize our bedroom closet. It's kind huge (compared to any of my other closets) and has a tendency to be a little bit of a black hole. It can get pretty messy in there.

We went to Ikea tonight to get some boxes and bins and baskets and other goodies to help keep things in check, and I came across this lovely little set up with dark gray and cream patterned wallpaper, a little table with cream colored bins and a framed picture of a darling pink chair. There was a little crystal chandelier and sweet little decorations on the table. It reminded me of Blair Waldorf.

As any of my twitter followers would know, I'm kind of obsessed with Gossip Girl. I started watching it while I was home sick one day, and I'm halfway through the fifth season. I HATED Blair Waldorf at first, but she's really grown on me, especially her personal and decorating style. I would DIE to have her real life (on the show, duh) closet.

So, I decided to theme the reorganization after Miss Waldorf. I found some pink and white boxes for storage, along with some gray fabric hat boxes to keep smaller things in. I was looking for a Paris-y picture to put up on the wall when you first walk into the closet. Not only did I find a pretty Paris picture, but I've walked down the same exact steps that were in the picture and bought my Parisian perfume at the very store (Fragonard) that is pictured! Kismet! Naturally, I bought it.

The picture from Ikea. 
Close up of the picture, the little shop where I bought my perfume while we were in Paris.
Right now, though, Operation BWC is kind of a disaster. Proof:

I'm thinking of just moving in. 
So, Marc and I have the futon mattress from the spare bedroom pulled out in the living room to sleep tonight, since this is obviously going to be a multi-day project. It's not too bad, though. We can watch the bigger TV before we go to sleep and snuggle by the fireplace. 

The good news is, I found a TON of stuff in my closet that I totally forgot I had. It was like going shopping. I also found a lot of things today that I forgot I had that I don't need to have, so I'll have big piles of things to donate when I'm finished. Not a thing is going back in the closet until I've really looked at it, determined if I really NEED it AND if I really WANT it. 

Until tomorrow, xoxo, Gossip Gir... uh, I mean, Kelsie. 


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