Operation Blair Waldorf's Closet
It doesn't roll off the tongue very easily, sure, but it's accurate. You see, a few weeks ago, I was looking for something in my keepsake trunk (which didn't end up being in there, btw) and I left the trunk cracked. Yesterday, I was in my closet and decided to start looking through the trunk. I got all weepy and nostalgic finding letters that my dad wrote to me and my siblings while he was away from the family in the military, reading my old diaries, finding my (very Harry Potter-esque) first pair of glasses. It was so fun. I ended up pulling a bunch of stuff out and leaving it all over the bed (as I do). While in the middle of this, I decided that it was time to reorganize our bedroom closet. It's kind huge (compared to any of my other closets) and has a tendency to be a little bit of a black hole. It can get pretty messy in there. We went to Ikea tonight to get some boxes and bins and baskets and other goodies to help keep things in check, and I came across this