NaNoWriMo Day 1: I CHEATED
I'm so tired.
Regardless of THAT, though, I knew that I wanted to come home and start NaNoWriMo (for those of you unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month... you write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November... about 1,667 words a day!).
I'm crazy. I'm also doing NaBloPoMo... I think that's what it's called. National Blog Posting Month? Anyways, so that's a little more simple. All I have to do is at least post a blog post a day. I REALLY miss writing my blog, and I think NaBloPoMo would be a good way to get back into the habit. What's that thing I keep seeing on Pinterest? It only takes 21 days to make a habit? We'll see.
RIGHT, back to the cheating.
My story idea for the novel I'm writing came to me back in November 2011. Marc and I were getting ready to celebrate our first anniversary. I was listening to a lot of Death Cab for Cutie at that time (and all the time, really) and I have always been intrigued by the song (and more importantly the character) Cath. I always wanted to know what happened to her.
So that's the story I'm telling.
The day that I planned to start writing (a few days late), I got thrown off a horse and was really badly injured. A few months later, when I was feeling a bit better, I still had Cath in my head and wrote a few paragraphs so that I could preserve the idea for the story and come back to it.
I revisited that tonight when I wanted to start writing and tried three times to start the story differently, just using the ideas I had previously written down, but it just wasn't the same. It wasn't as good. So I used it. I know that's KINDA cheating, but hear me out. I only had 536 words that I used from notes that were good enough to be part of the first chapter.
To make up for it, I wrote EXTRA words tonight and will increase my word count goal from 50,000 to 50,536.
Will you forgive me?
Long story short, (I'm tired of writing to be honest) I wrote 2452 words tonight and I'm pretty stoked about it.
Now, to veg on the couch, eat some ice cream and watch Gossip Girl. Goodnight!
2452 words? Get it, gurl! I started with something previously written too. No shame in that.
ReplyDeleteHopefully I can keep up the momentum!