NaNoWriMo Day 1: I CHEATED

I worked 55 and a half hours this week. 

I'm so tired. 

Regardless of THAT, though, I knew that I wanted to come home and start NaNoWriMo (for those of you unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month... you write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November... about 1,667 words a day!). 

I'm crazy. I'm also doing NaBloPoMo... I think that's what it's called. National Blog Posting Month? Anyways, so that's a little more simple. All I have to do is at least post a blog post a day. I REALLY miss writing my blog, and I think NaBloPoMo would be a good way to get back into the habit. What's that thing I keep seeing on Pinterest? It only takes 21 days to make a habit? We'll see. 

RIGHT, back to the cheating. 

My story idea for the novel I'm writing came to me back in November 2011. Marc and I were getting ready to celebrate our first anniversary. I was listening to a lot of Death Cab for Cutie at that time (and all the time, really) and I have always been intrigued by the song (and more importantly the character) Cath. I always wanted to know what happened to her. 

So that's the story I'm telling. 

The day that I planned to start writing (a few days late), I got thrown off a horse and was really badly injured. A few months later, when I was feeling a bit better, I still had Cath in my head and wrote a few paragraphs so that I could preserve the idea for the story and come back to it. 

I revisited that tonight when I wanted to start writing and tried three times to start the story differently, just using the ideas I had previously written down, but it just wasn't the same. It wasn't as good. So I used it. I know that's KINDA cheating, but hear me out. I only had 536 words that I used from notes that were good enough to be part of the first chapter. 

To make up for it, I wrote EXTRA words tonight and will increase my word count goal from 50,000 to 50,536. 

Will you forgive me? 

Long story short, (I'm tired of writing to be honest) I wrote 2452 words tonight and I'm pretty stoked about it. 

Now, to veg on the couch, eat some ice cream and watch Gossip Girl. Goodnight! 


  1. 2452 words? Get it, gurl! I started with something previously written too. No shame in that.


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