100 Books In 2013: Book One: Zlata's Diary

I had a rough start to my 100 Books in 2013 resolution.

Between writing a TON of letters to my new pen pals, being crazy busy at work and working out, I didn't end up having a lot of time to read.

I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse books, which were the inspiration for True Blood. For some reason, I just couldn't really get into the book. The writing style was bothering me and, maybe because I already know what happens, I wasn't pulled in by the story.

Instead of just pushing through without really enjoying the book, I decided to switch to something else and maybe come back to that book later. I wanted to make up some of the ground that I lost, so I decided to re-read a book that I read when I was in middle school that I knew I could finish quickly.

It's called Zlata's diary, and it's about middle school-aged girl living in Sarajevo during the war in the early 1990s. She starts her diary right before her world gets turned around by bombing, shooting, and a life without electricity, water, enough food or school. She suffers the loss of friends and family members. The writing is exceptional for a young girl and it's a really easy read.

When I read the book when I was near Zlata's age, I don't think that I was affected as much by what I was reading because, like Zlata, I didn't really understand. During my grown-up re-read, I found myself crying over the horrors that were happening to this little girl and her family.

I wanted to find out a little bit more about what happened to Zlata, and found this article. She grew up to be an amazing, intelligent young woman. I'm glad to hear that she got out of Sarajevo while things were still bad, and a lot of the reason is because of her diary being published.

I'm glad that I decided to change things up and re-read Zlata's diary as part of my 100 Books in 2013. I'm back on track and ready to keep reading. I'm thinking of reading Watchmen next. I really like the movie, and I want to get into reading comic books a little more, especially so I don't seem like such a noob at Emerald City Comic Con in March.

Zlata's Diary: 5 stars


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