A different kind of To Do list
Recently, I've had some pretty extreme changes in my personal life that have reminded me of the importance of surrounding myself with kindness and positivity. That has reminded me how important that it is to try to be a positive force in the lives around me, too. I have subconsciously added some different items to my daily "to do" list.
Here are some things I try to do in my daily life:
Compliment a friend
Compliment a stranger
Show gratitude
Hold my tongue when what I might say is neither helpful or kind
Do something for somebody else without being asked
Smile at everyone I come into contact with
Ask somebody else about their day
Another big item on my "life" to do list is to not say anything about somebody that I wouldn't what them to hear/see. This realization came to me after I spent all morning feeling guilty after making a not-so-nice joke at the expense of a stranger. The stranger couldn't hear me, and it was just a little joke to make a coworker giggle, but I thought about how bad I would feel had that person overheard me.
What would you add to my "to do" list? What's on your list?
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