Happy New Year!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful (and safe) New Year's Eve!

I started today with motivation and excitement. I did my January 1st weigh in, and have my starting place for the goals that I have in mind for my diet, exercise and weight loss in 2013.

Because I didn't want to count re-reading the Hunger Games series as part of my 100 Books in 2013, I started the morning by finishing off Mockingjay. If my memory serves me, Catching Fire comes out in theaters this year, right? I can't wait to see the second book on the big screen.

Once that was out of the way, I picked my first book of 100 Books in 2013! It was a tough choice, but I decided to start reading the Sookie Stackhouse series. There were a few reasons for this decision; 1) Marc enjoyed the books, 2) we already have the first six books and they are easy to find used really cheap, and 3) they are really quick reads and I have a LOT of books to read this year. I figured it would be a good idea to give myself a little bit of a cushion by reading some quicker books up front and then I can have time for the meatier books later on in the year.

Also, I remembered this morning that I bought a nifty little pack of bookmarks while we were at the Trinity College library in Dublin. There is a bookmark for each month of the year, with a little calendar and a sample page from the Book of Kells. I've been waiting for 2013 ever since I bought them, and now they'll be put to good use.

I'm back to healthy eating today, and exercise, which I'm pretty excited for. I had my protein shake this morning, planned out my calories for the day, and Marc's going to clean off the treadmill for me so that I can go for a jog later on. I managed to dig my hand weights out of all of their hiding places around the house and I've been waving them over my head as I do other things around the house. It's not much, but it's a start. I really want to run a half marathon this year... I'm thinking maybe the one at Epcot at Disney World in October. But that's going to mean a lot of work and it has to start RIGHT NOW. 
Pre-organizing, but you can see how nice it will be!
The New Year also has me motivated to clean up around the house and get everything looking pretty and organized. Over the last few days, I've found bags and bags of things to either throw out or donate. It feels good to get rid of things that we aren't using. The big project that I hope to finish today, since I have the day off, is my office. We don't generally use the space, unless we have people over to visit, and then they sleep on the futon. But it's a nice room, with a great view, and we should really make better use of it. Marc helped me re-arrange the furniture and now the desk is up against the window and it's going to be an excellent place for me to read, write letters or write for Confront Magazine or my blog. I think having a nice place to relax will help me keep my resolutions going.

I hope you are all having a great day, and an excellent start to 2013! I'm going to go eat a salad!


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