Show/Album Review: Bryan John Appleby

Guys, it feels good to write again!
This morning, I heard about an (unpaid, 1-2 article a week) freelance writing position through a twitter friend. I thought it would be a fun thing to do on the side, so I whipped up a little something so that I had a current writing sample. Here's what I came up with:

Seeing Bryan John Appleby open for The Head and the Heart was like finding a french fry in my order of onion rings: an unexpected bonus to something that was already awesome. You go to see one of your favorite bands headline, and end up finding a new artist to love.
A few hours waiting in line outside the Paramount meant I had prime position to the sold out show in Seattle on September 15; front row, pushed up against the barrier, nearly close enough to touch those on stage. The lineup was a spotlight of Seattle-based bands, The Head and the Heart and their opening acts, Curtains for You and Bryan John Appleby.
When Appleby and his (mostly) bearded band started playing, a hush fell over the auditorium, the crowd entranced by the haunting voice and powerful instruments on stage. After the show, I bought Appleby’s Fire on the Vine, and the 11-track album has been heavy in my music rotation ever since.
After devouring the album for what must have been the hundredth time, I once described his music to my twitter followers as “achingly beautiful and just a little disturbing,” to which Appleby replied, “nailed it.” (Example: The first track describes Noah’s wife watching the world get swallowed up from her perch in the arc, hearing children crying from rooftops. Disturbing, yet beautiful. You just have to listen to it.) 
Curtains for You was wonderful that night as well, and The Head and the Heart was predictably amazing, whipping their hometown crowd into a frenzy. A word of advice, kids: always go early to shows and catch the opening acts. They’re worth it. 
Bryan John Appleby is currently touring with The Head and the Heart, and his album Fire on the Vine is available on iTunes.


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