
Showing posts from October, 2012

Panic Stress Dreams. So, that's fun.

I'm really hoping that my three week vacation is ridiculously restful and relaxed and completely stressed free. That is, if the stress of getting ready to be gone for three weeks doesn't kill me before I make it to my vacation. Our plan for Friday is to leave work at noon and be out of the house, on the way to the airport around 12:30 p.m. I woke up this morning in a panic after dreaming that we were leaving work to run home and get our luggage on Friday at 1:07 p.m. To add to my anxiety, I was leaving work without finishing everything that I needed to do before I left (a big concern for me in real life over the past few weeks). So, in dream life, I get home to find that I haven't packed! Now, in real life, I have lists and packing systems and everything is going to be super organized and packed (tonight) as soon as all the laundry is done. I start randomly throwing crap in my backpack and we rushed out of the door, me sobbing that I'm sure we are going to miss ou...

I'm a (free)lance writer!

I'm excited. 1. Hubby and I leave for Europe on Friday. 2. The Head and the Heart tweeted at me today. 3. In this tweeting, I was informed that Head and the Heart is going to be part of a complication Christmas album that is going to be released at Starbucks for the holidays. 4. I wrote about the album in my first freelance post for Confront Magazine!! I don't get paid, but it is still very exciting!! You can read my article here ! It has a link to listen to samples of the songs. For my job today, I got to write about one of my favorite bands and listen to Christmas music without feeling too blasphemous! The CD comes out on October 30, and I am going to get it right after we get back from our trip so that I can put it in on Thanksgiving evening while I'm in a food coma and getting my Christmas decorations all ready! Which artist's song are you most excited to hear?

Show/Album Review: Bryan John Appleby

Guys, it feels good to write again! This morning, I heard about an (unpaid, 1-2 article a week) freelance writing position through a twitter friend. I thought it would be a fun thing to do on the side, so I whipped up a little something so that I had a current writing sample. Here's what I came up with: Seeing Bryan John Appleby open for The Head and the Heart was like finding a french fry in my order of onion rings: an unexpected bonus to something that was already awesome. You go to see one of your favorite bands headline, and end up finding a new artist to love. A few hours waiting in line outside the Paramount meant I had prime position to the sold out show in Seattle on September 15; front row, pushed up against the barrier, nearly close enough to touch those on stage. The lineup was a spotlight of Seattle-based bands, The Head and the Heart and their opening acts, Curtains for You and Bryan John Appleby. When Appleby and his (mostly) bearded band started playi...