I'll have a blue, blue Christmas (eve).

My mom always teases me, and says that I'm a perpetual five year old.

This is especially true at Christmas. Even though I'm the oldest of our family's four kids, I'm the one who gets silliest over Christmas. I love being at home with the family, all of us kids getting to be together, waiting for Santa, just like we did when we were little.

I knew when we decided that Marc would take the job offer in Washington, there was a slim to none chance that we would be able to make it to the family home in Georgia for the holidays. Mentally preparing myself for the last month doesn't make it any easier.

Don't get me wrong. I'm overjoyed to be spending Christmas with Marc. After all, it's our first Christmas as husband and wife.

I love being with him for the holidays, and making our own traditions. Ever since our first Christmas together, Marc has bought me a Christmas-themed book, starting with The Christmas Train by David Baldacci, which I read on the airplane when I left him in Florida to spend our first Christmas together in California with my family (they move around a lot).

This year, he gave me Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas... yes, the children's book. His inscription says that he hopes we can read it together every Christmas Eve, and that someday when we have "little Vosburghs running around" we can read it to them as well.

Sweet, ain't he? And that's a good tradition!

Either way... I've got a little bit of the Christmas blues. I wish I could cuddle up on the floor tonight in my parent's bedroom and watch It's A Wonderful Life. I will miss staying up late with my sister, talking for hours until we are exhausted, and finally fall asleep with 24 hours of A Christmas Story on the TV. Opening my stocking won't be as fun as when we cram seven (the Tribe, plus Marc) onto my parents queen size bed to open them together. Breakfast tomorrow morning won't be the same without Mom's home-made cinnamon rolls.

Maybe I'm just being whiny. After all, there's always next Christmas.

Edit: This little kitteh made me feel a little better. Thanks Cheezburger


  1. This is very sweet Kelsie. I'm getting accustomed to certain members of my family missing at least one Christmas (that makes dad, LA and you, now), so consider this your free pass:) Missed you a lot today. We shared lots of love and made new friends, received many hugs and lots of smiles. This is by far the best of the Tribe traditions. Merry Christmas to you and Marc and I'm sure someone will help you out with your share of the cinnamon rolls. :)


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