
Showing posts from August, 2014

Oliver's birth story

It was long. I had definitely planned for an unmedicated, totally natural childbirth. That's what I wanted and I did a lot of research and reading. Birthing from Within was a great book. I also researched all the other options because I know that things can change and I wanted to be knowledgable about other options should they happen. From the Hips was a great book, too, fun to read and a lot of info from moms, too.  I ended up getting induced because baby was so big and just not coming out on his own. They put in a foley ball catheter the night before my induction to try to dilate me. I went in at noon the next day 5 centimeters dilated and no contractions. They broke my water right away. The baby had had his first bowl movement already, so that was in the water.  I still didn't start having contractions, so they hooked me up to a breast pump, because t hat can trigger contractions to start on their own. They kind of started, but not really, so we started pitocin...