Happy Head and the Heart Day!
I think it's pretty easy to say that The Head and the Heart's Let's Be Still is my most eagerly-awaited album release of the year so far. I pre-ordered the special "Loser" edition on vinyl from Sub Pop and it arrived on Friday (even though the album didn't come out officially until today), and I got a digital pre-release last week to review for Confront Magazine , so I've been lucky enough to listen to it non-stop for the past week. Shameless plug: my album review goes up tomorrow, and it would be GREAT if you would go read it. Don't worry, I'll be sure to put up a link after it goes live. Spoiler: I like it. Along those lines... my creative buzz , which started with craft day at the Luce's house a few weekends ago, has not yet worn off. I started a book club with two nice ladies (if you live in the Bothell-ish area, you're welcome to join!) and I've been writing more for Confront, and I've decided to do NaNoWriMo! A...