

I feel like the luckiest girl ever. I get to hang out with my kid all day. I'm studying for my dream job. Probably about 99% of the stress in my life disappeared almost overnight. Then I remember that it's not just luck. I started thinking about the luck aspect when a (former) coworker told me "how lucky(!)" I was that I got to stay home with Oliver. It bugged me and, at first, I couldn't figure out why. It was because luck didn't have a lot to do with it. I am able to stay at home with Oliver and live the life I have been dreaming of because of smart choices and sacrifices. We only have one car. It's getting old now, but it's functional and we take good care of it. I love my car and hope that it lasts forever. I don't WANT a car payment, even if it means I could have a shiny new car. We bought a condo instead of a house. I don't think it's small, but compared to the average house size, it's well below. We don't have a yar...

NaNoWriMo update!

We are just over a week into NaNoWriMo! I'm behind in my word count goal, but feeling really good about the progression of my story. My friends Scott and Hannah came over this morning and we closed ourselves into the bungalow at my condo complex and wrote for a few hours. Marc was kind enough to watch the baby while I wrote (and also while I threw a Jamberry party later this afternoon). It was so good to get some solid writing time in. I've really been struggling with finding time to sit down the write, between work and hanging out with the baby, especially during the week. I am going to try to get at least a little more writing in on weekdays, but I really enjoyed being able to get caught up on the weekend.  My total word count is 5497 so far! 

Thanksgiving songs

I spent a good portion of the evening changing the lyrics of Christmas songs to make them about thanksgiving. I could probably get a whole cd of them if I thought about it hard enough. Here's one I came up with: Deck the table with lots of carbs,  Fa la la la la, la la thanksgiving.  Dress up in your festive garb,  Fa la la la la, la la thanksgiving.  Spend the day with lots of friends,  Fa la la la la, la la thanksgiving.  Good times that will never end,  Fa la la la la, la la thanksgiving.  Stuff your with face with pumpkin pie,  Fa la la la la, la la thanksgiving.  Eat until your pants are tight,  Fa la la la la, la la lahhhh thanksgiving . Silly! We had a great day! We got up this morning and took Oliver on his very first ferry boat ride. We took the ferry from Edmonds to Kingston and ate some delicious crepes. It was raining, and there really isn't much to do in Kingston, so we didn't stay long, but it was a lot of fun! 

Five years!

Marc and I have been married for five years! It's been a wonderful five years, and I'm so in love with my life. We worked today and had a really low key evening. We had Taco Bell for dinner (which we also had the night we got engaged, exactly seven years ago), did some shopping at Michaels (more Happy Planner supplies) and now we are watching Stargate (which was something that we used to watch together on SciFi Fridays when we first started dating. We have some fun plans for tomorrow to celebrate a bit more. We are really focusing on sticking to our budget, and we wanted to include the baby, so a low key celebration is perfect.  Here's to many more wonderful years! 

Late, but excusable.

I've caught the bug. I don't know if the kiddo brought something home from daycare or if I've got what's going around at the office, but it's gross.  After work, I decided to take it easy, grabbing a hot shower with the baby while Marc made dinner. We managed to hang out until Jeopardy was over and then baby and I went off to bed for cuddles and Friends on Netflix. I'm glad I fell asleep early, because now it's almost 2 am and I am miserable and can't sleep.  Thank goodness for Netflix! 

The toddler tantrum tango

Most of the time, I don't miss the days when my 14 month old toddler was a newborn. We sleep now. We didn't used to sleep. Our time is primarily filled with cuddles and giggles and bubble baths. I love having a toddler.  But man, sometimes that little monster drives me nuts.  I have a newish friend. She works in my building. We have stuff in common. I've shared the Happy Planner love.  We made a Michaels date for after work today. I swung by and picked up the kid, who fell asleep in the car on the way to Michaels. He was still sleeping as I made my way through the dark (thanks, daylight savings time) to a parking spot right next to the store.  Strike one.  I woke him up from his nap with gentle tickles, making a game out of putting his shoes on. I made my way into the store, and found my friend. She was near the Happy Planners, which is near the washi tape.  Strike two.  This kid loves washi tape (like mother, like son). ESPECIALLY tubes of washi tape....

Pining and Pinning

I go to bed early. We're talking like 8:30-9:00. For somebody who used to bounce off the walls at 3 am in college, it's a nice change. I might not fall asleep until quite a bit later, but the baby and I end up in bed, snuggly and cozy after Jeopardy, dinner, and bath time. We read a story or two, he snuggles in for the night and falls asleep, and then I watch Netflix and play on Pinterest while Marc catches up on his TV shows before he joins the baby and I in bed. I wish I could magically create an extra two hours a day. I would use them to make all of my Pinterest dreams come true. My house would be organized and cleaned with homemade, natural cleaners. Our walls would be adorned with craft projects, and I would learn to sew Oliver's clothes. My planner would be adorned and decorated... maybe I'd need three extra hours.  Here are some of my latest pins. You can follow me at   Planner Organization  A Bowl Full of Lemons ...